Monday, July 20, 2009

Where are we headed?

Every day that I read the "press" articles on the net and in print I worry about the future of this country. The "press" continues to extol the great strides that the current administration is making on the economy. What really scares me is what the "press" is not printing and what they seem to be deliberately ignoring.

First and foremost, the "press" is not telling you that this administration is printing money faster than ANY previous administration has every done. This would include what Nixon did in the 70's after he removed the requirement that this country back its currency with an equivalent amount of gold (the "gold standard"). Remember the 15 to 17 percent inflation that this country experienced back them?

Now you may be saying what is the big deal if they are printing money? All governments print money. While that is correct, it is the speed and quantity at which the money is being printed that makes the difference. Most countries print money to replace the old money that is worn out so that there is only a fixed amount of their currency in circulation at a particular time.

Now, money is just like any other commodity out there, the less there is of it (or the belief that there is less of it), the higher the price for that item goes up. The vice a versa is also the true, the more there is of the item, the less value it has and this is where this administration's whole sale printing of money should concern every person in the world.

Due to the massive and continuous printing of money, there is or will be an overabundance of dollars on the market place. Because there are too many dollars on the market, the value of the dollar against other currencies will begin to drop. This means that your dollar will now buy less of those items from foreign countries as they don't want your dollar.

The greater the perceived abundance of dollars, the greater the depreciation of the dollar and the greater the increase of all foreign items coming into the U.S.A.. If this uncontrolled printing of U.S. dollars continues, you can expect to see massive price increases and INFLATION. I have been to several seminars where they are predicting double digit inflation within the next year if the uncontrolled printing of the dollar does not stop quickly.

On top of the uncontrolled printing, this administration is attempting to force a government sponsored health care program upon ALL of us. The argument is that we all need to be provided with health care. First, most of us THAT WORK are covered by a health care program. Second, those on government benefits like welfare, SSI, or something similar, typically qualify for Medicaid or if they are elderly, they are qualified for Medicare, so the great majority of us are already covered by a program. One that either you pay for directly (with your employer) or indirectly (those receiving health benefits from the government which pays for the program with your tax dollars so that you are actually paying for two health insurance programs!).

The numbers vary, but I have seen as low as 5 percent to as high as 17 percent of the America population does not have health care. So why should the government get involved in something where less than 10 percent of the population is not covered. That means that 90 percent of us are covered by some sort of plan.

Getting the government involved in health care is just another step toward socialism and another step away from our freedom. Let your voice be heard and tell Congress and the President that we need these massive steps toward socialism stopped and stopped NOW.

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